Resource Booking

No more double bookings

Here at SOBS we understand the frustration when two classes turn up at the same room. Booking with SOBS is easy and reassuring. Simply sit back and relax knowing your booking is being taken care of by a system that values integrity above everything else.

Our goal was to provide a booking system that would focus on making rooms and resources available to staff. Whether it is a state of the art computer lab or a library teaching space, SOBS wants to see these spaces utilised safely and efficiently.

  • Presentation of the timetable is an important aspect of the application. It is where existing booking information is displayed as well as new bookings initiated. SOBS supports the most complex of timetables in an easy to read format.
  • The application is designed for a multi-campus school, where perhaps a Junior school and Senior school are both able to book a shared resource. When a Junior school teacher is booking a Senior school resource they will use their Junior school timetable. The application will only display the resource if it is available for the Junior school period required.
  • Security allows the administrator to restrict access to specific resources, while also allowing some resources to be shared with external guest accounts.
  • A room or resource is normally an individual item, however we also support Resource Groups (eg a double classroom configuration) and Resource Pools (eg a class set of tablets).
  • SOBS integrates with popular time tabling packages in order to import classroom timetabled bookings. This includes support for the LISS integration standard common among timetabling applications.
  • A full approvals process is available for selected resources - this works well when managing a resource that requires special access rules.
  • The ability to repeat a booking using various schedules.
  • Special time based booking options for resources that don't necessarily follow the school period structure.
  • Capture optional information about a booking, eg when the hall is being booked you can prompt for seating requirements, a/v requirements, etc.
  • Optionals and notifications: Send a staff member an email when a particular optional component is required.
  • Delayed booking notification: Staff member receives an email about bookings they have made.
  • High use resources: Requires staff to confirm their booking of a high-use resource.
  • High use resources: Notifies staff when a high use resource becomes available.
  • Public displays: Where you have a TV screen outside the computer labs or library, lists the current period and the next period bookings.
  • Favourites: Allows a staff member to choose a set of favourite resources.
  • Calendar format defaults: allow staff to choose their default format and the administrator to choose a default format for the school.
  • Integration with calendar products: Your bookings will appear on your preferred calendar application.
  • Loans module: Allows you to issue and return resources, like VR glasses or a school smart phone.
  • Multi-day bookings: Allow staff to make bookings that span multiple days.
  • Attachments: Allow staff to upload documents to a booking.
  • Book ahead restrictions: Allow staff to only book a resource up to N weeks ahead.
  • Book in advance: Require staff to book a resource N days in advance.
  • Multiple timetables enable resources to be bookable only at certain times, such as outside school hours.

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