
Collecting enrolment information

An online enrolment system will capture all of the enrolment information your school requires, and all in an electronic format. Optionally you can have the parent upload a copy of the birth certificate, proof of residency, applicable visas, and any other documentation required. The completed form can be printed in preparation for the parent's signing when they attend the enrolment interview.

Managing eligibility

Configure your school's eligibility requirements in regard to; siblings currently attending, parent is a staff member, or the child lives within or without the catchment area. Keep abreast of these numbers during the course of the year.

Maintain an orderly waitlist

Define the exact date and time that out-of-catchment applications will be accepted. The SOBS system will only allow these applications to be accepted after this date and time. Upon entry of a valid name and email the SOBS system will allocate a position in the waitlist. Neither parents nor staff will be able to adjust the order of the waitlist, with the exception of removing a parent entirely in the event they no longer require their spot.

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